Friday, August 22, 2008

Still Alive!

No, I haven't given up on the blog already! It's just been a whirlwind of a month so far. We just completed our fourth week of school, although we're already behind in a few things (good thing I write our planner in pencil!). At the beginning of the month my nephew from Denver spent a fun-filled week with us. Last week we spent a long weekend with some of Marc's family at a lake. And next weekend we head to Denver for a short trip to celebrate his mom's birthday. On top of all of this, I'm an Olympic junkie, so I've spent way too many late nights watching Michael Phelps winning gold after gold. But my mind is buzzing with ideas to blog about, so I will be back soon. First on the agenda is to tell about the latest path our autism adventure has taken us on, RDI. I know all my readers (and, yes, I can count them on one hand!) are anxious to hear from argsmommy again (that is, if they've even noticed I've been gone!), but even if no one reads this blog I am enjoying it to much to quit.

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